Digital Marketing Stats You Need to Know in 2020

Digital Marketing Stats 2020 | Captain Information Technology

The digital marketing strategies, technology, and trends are never constant and are ever-changing. And therefore, your business must remain up-to-date in the market.

But how can you plan without realizing how it works for you?

The best way to stay relevant and up to date with the marketing strategies and trends is to have a focus on marketing statistics.

Research says that in 2020, the global ad spend will reach an amount of $605 billion, which is about 4.2% increase from that of 2019.

The below info-graphic helps with a few agile stats about critical elements of the digital marketing ecosystem.

Search Marketing Statistics

  1. Implementing Search engine optimization (SEO) strategies helps to increase the visibility and ranking of your website.
  2. In fact, research says that 75% of the people check for Google search listings on pages 2 and more, and the top 5 results on the Google page will get 70% of the clicks.
  3. Google is responsible for about 94% of the total organic rankings, and the search engines drive more traffic than social media.
  4. While outbound links only have a conversion rate of 1.7%, the leads generated from search engines have about a 14.6% conversion rate.
  5. It is also reported that about 50% of local mobile searches lead the customers to visit a store in a day.
  6. Also, about 60% of users have begun to use voice search within the previous year, and it will continue to increase in 2020.

Mobile Search and Advertising Statistics

  1. The mobile marketing spends, including all the marketing aspects, is about to reach a high level, which might account for more than 70% of the global digital ad spend.
  2. More than 80% of people own smartphones and use mobile devices for searching in 2019.
  3. Very importantly, about 40% of users move towards competitors if there is a bad experience with the mobile site.
  4. More than 40% of online transactions are processed using a mobile phone.
  5. Above 70% of people use mobile devices for shopping as well as entertainment, and 82% of people search mobile before making a purchase decision.

Email Marketing Statistics

  1. 86% of people prefer business communications and sharing of information via emails.
  2. 35% of the professional check email on mobile and 93% of the B2B marketers make use email to circulate content.
  3. 99% of users check email daily, and about 59% of marketers say that email is their most significant ROI source.
  4. More than 70% of the businesses use e-newsletters as a significant part of their content marketing plan.
  5. 16% of emails are caught by spam filters or missing such that they are not received in the email inbox.

Social Media Statistics

  1. In 2019, the global ad spend on social media had reached $84 billion, and it is considered as the first year that advertisers spend more on social media rather than print media.
  2. Smartphone statistics say that about 3.256 billion mobile users use social media actively.
  3. 73% of marketers believe that social media is one of the most effective marketing platforms.
  4. Facebook is the most widely used social media platform, and research says 74% of users use it for professional purposes.
  5. Instagram has 1 billion active users monthly, and 500 million active stories are posted daily all over the world.
  6. Stats says that there are about 6000 tweets per second, and Twitter has 336 million monthly active users.
  7. LinkedIn is the most effective social media platform, and it generates more than 3x conversions than that of other social platforms.
  8. 77% of the Pinners have found a new product or brand on Pinterest on a weekly basis.

Content Marketing Statistics

  1. 56% of the businesses had reported their necessity to increase spending on creating content.
  2. 92% of digital marketers consider content as one of the most valuable assets to promote a business or brand.
  3. More than 60% of marketers create at least one content daily.
  4. Content marketing is about 62% less costly than traditional marketing. But it generates about 3x leads than traditional marketing.
  5. More than 50% of the users come out of a website if they find the content in the web pages useless.
  6. Companies that blogs generate 97% links to their website.

Video Marketing Statistics

  1. 4 among the 5 users believe that demo videos of a product are more helpful in understanding.
  2. 45% of the users watch videos on Facebook or YouTube over a week.
  3. About 65% of the senior business executives visit the website after watching the relevant YouTube video.
  4. 71% of B2B marketers and 66% of B2C marketers use video marketing.
  5. 80% of marketers say that video marketing helps to increase sales of a product or business.

Top 5 Searches on Google in 2019

  • Facebook - 233,100,000 searches
  • Youtube - 195,600,000 searches
  • Amazon - 104,800,000 searches
  • Gmail - 92,530,000 searches
  • Google - 85,820,000 searches
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